David J Severn’s Photography.

Another wonderful image from the studio of David J Severn. David goes to great lengths to achieve his stunning photographs.

David J Severn Photography's Blog

I just love photographing Dance, this shot of Nicole, shot at my studio (Studio3bySevern.com) was captured using my amazing Pixapro Storm 400 flash heads.
I always try to visulized the image I want before we start shooting, saves me loads of time.

This reminds me of one of the charictors in the Golden Compas part of Phillip Pullmans Dark Materials trilogy, they have witch queen called ‘Serafina Pekkala’dsc_0933

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One way to avoid harsh contrast and red eye with on camera flash.

If you are anything like me you will dislike the harsh contrast, red-eye and blown out effect of on camera flash – it is never a good effect. In the absence of sufficient daylight it is often necessary to use artificial light and off-camera illumination is best. It is not always practical to carry the required kit but there is an inexpensive (and easy to carry) way to make the best of what you have got.

This is a technique that I have often used when photographing things for ebay but it can be used in many situations. It does depend on having a white ceiling above* you (other colours will create a colour cast of that colour) but it enables you to use that ceiling to create a softer and more pleasing light for your subject; the solution is portable and won’t break the bank. Personally, I use an C5 white envelope which gives even more diffusion but this solution is even more portable:-


It works by deflecting and slightly diffusing the light instead of it going directly ahead. The light is then reflected and further diffused by the ceiling. The diffusion and the fact that the light follows the same path (downwards) that we are used to from sunlight, makes the lighting more pleasing to the eye. You also avoid lots of light hitting the back of your portrait subjects eyes (red-eye).

*If you were to turn the camera through 90 degrees (portrait format) you would require a white wall (or other white reflector) to the side of the camera that the on-camera flash sits, in order to “bounce” the light back onto your subject in the same way that you used the ceiling.

This technique is a compromise but will vastly improve your results over direct on-camera flash. Happy snapping!

(Photo source – Pinterest, Photographer unknown)


I have lot of photographs in storage and occasionally I will look at them and I get inspiration to do something different with them in an effort to expand my Photoshop skills. The following photographs were created on such an occasion. This is my friend Emma. She invited me to take photographs of her and her lovely family over a year ago. Recently, I revisited those photographs and these are some of the results:-

I changed the colour balance and added some diffuse glow.

I changed the colour balance and added some diffuse glow.


All comments welcome; I am trying to create photographs that people will like and I am pleased with these, but I would really like to know if I was barking up the wrong tree.

Paul Cullen Portraits

Paul Cullen Portraits by paul2210
Paul Cullen Portraits, a photo by paul2210 on Flickr.

This is Caitlin and her mum Helen. I was asked by Helen – another friend and ex-colleague, to take photographs to celebrate Caitlin’s first birthday. The child was teething, hence, getting stuck into Helen’s purse with her emerging teeth.