David J Severn’s Photography.

Another wonderful image from the studio of David J Severn. David goes to great lengths to achieve his stunning photographs.

David J Severn Photography's Blog

I just love photographing Dance, this shot of Nicole, shot at my studio (Studio3bySevern.com) was captured using my amazing Pixapro Storm 400 flash heads.
I always try to visulized the image I want before we start shooting, saves me loads of time.

This reminds me of one of the charictors in the Golden Compas part of Phillip Pullmans Dark Materials trilogy, they have witch queen called ‘Serafina Pekkala’dsc_0933

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Colmar: immensely beautiful

Colmar is indeed a beautiful place. I had the pleasure of visiting Colmar in August 2013 – In addition to the Pinot Gris and Muscat, Alsace is famous for the Gewurztraminer wines which are a must try wines.

live to move it - became globevisuals.com - visit me there!

Very often, when you are looking through the photos of a place you want to visit, they appear a bit brighter than the place itself when you finally there. Photographers use filters and sophisticated means to make their works if not a piece of art but at least simply look better. I cannot argue, their works are catchy, but sometimes too far away from reality. In that sense, Colmar is exactly the same as when you see it on all the artistic pictures. It is bright and beautiful without any filters and colors’ amplification. Blossoming flowers, sweet gingerbread houses and lively channels… Total awesomeness!


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