Latest additions to my Veer stock account – Saving for every eventuality!

I have taken a bit of interest in pigs recently; no, I don’t mean that I have taken up Pig farming, it is more that I have been photographing Piggy Banks and adding useful (I think) and illustrative text to them for the stock libraries. These are a few examples recently accepted onto my Veer account:-

Black piggy bank and some coins with the motif - University fees
Black piggy bank and some coins with the motif – University fees

Black piggy bank and some coins with the motif - Break in case of Emergency
Black piggy bank and some coins with the motif – Break in case of Emergency

Black piggy bank and some coins with the motif - Retirement fund
Black piggy bank and some coins with the motif – Retirement fund

Other examples can be found here. (Please click)

Stock Photography.

I have just passed Quality Control for Alamy and can now post stock photography. I’ll have to start to produce some more now – I have got lots of ideas ( and quite a few photos in my archives that might sell!). Here are the photos that I sent for QC; they are an indication of some the sort of markets that I’ll be targeting, but not all. They are a start:-

Cassis Boats. Ilfracombe Harbour. Lambsy. St. Tropez Marina.

Competition Entry.

I was invited to enter a competition recently through the Society of International Nature and Wildlife Photographers (SINWP). Here is my entry – it looks like I am up against stiff competition – All Entries

As seen in Attenborough Nature Reserve.

As seen in Attenborough Nature Reserve.